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Writer's pictureChristian J. Farber

What the Fok is Gravitas?

I once interviewed a candidate for an executive position at one of the companies I used to work for. I had her speak to a number of people, one of which, made the following comment when I followed up on how it went,"Not sure she has the gravitas for the position, that’s up to you Chris".

My first reaction was "what the fok is gravitas?" So I ran for the computer and went to and looked up "gravitas". Ok, seriousness, a Roman virtue, weight, importance....I think I get it.

But why the SAT review word as a descriptor?

This was a long time ago but it is still tickling me. I would have said something like "she is a clown" but I guess that is because I am from New Jersey and am stuck being direct. We would rather be fast than right in this part of the country.

So naturally I start thinking that perhaps the person I asked to help assess a candidate was actually applying the "gravitas" comment to me.

Was I serious about hiring an "A" player? Did I want to surround myself with lightweight clowns?  Did he think I was wasn't serious about my hire and was just checking a box?

No way, hiring talented people is the best skill I have. I have been successful first and foremost because I have been leading teams of great people for decades. 

There is simply nothing more important in business than the quality and skills of the people you surround yourself with, nothing else even comes close. I like to think I have a skill at assessing skills in others. I have managed large groups across several functions globally but my current gig is uniquely challenging. We are a small group with a big opportunity right in front of us.  

Today I have a small job in terms of the number of people I manage. In my last gig I had more direct reports then the staff I manage now in aggregate. Each one of these pro's has earned the right to be on the team that takes our company forward. We have challenges and opportunities that combine into one of the most unique work experiences I have ever been a part of.

Do they have the gravitas to get us there?

I don't know, but what I do know is they have the skills in business development, relationship management and marketing that will rival any team a multiple of it's size. It is my pleasure to lead them and I am pretty sure that with gravitas, or not, we will arrive at our desired destination.

My best, Chris

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About Chris

Christian J. Farber

After a thriving corporate career, Chris now enjoys retirement at the Jersey Shore. As a prostate cancer survivor, he's committed to educating men about the disease and covers various topics like Alcoholism, Multiple Sclerosis, and Career Success in his featured writing on platforms such as The Good Men Project, Huffington Post, and Thrive Global.

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